Columbia Union: A Call for Justice, Prayer and Peace
Last week we witnessed a tragedy in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn. As a result of this, as well as the recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others, many people across our nation, and in our union, are in a state of turmoil. Thousands, including law enforcement officials, are appalled by the actions of the individuals who failed to serve and protect their communities. The anguish and pain is evident by the civil unrest and protests in more than 140 cities.
As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we rise with all who condemn these actions, and we, too, call for justice.
We also acknowledge the other grim headlines gripping our nation. More than 100,000 people have died from the coronavirus pandemic and 40 million are unemployed. Our hearts are with those who have been impacted and mourn loved ones.
As a Columbia Union Conference family, let us ban together and pray for healing, forgiveness, change and peace; for an end to the attacks from the enemy; and a stop to the violence and the virus.
May we heed the call of Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (NKJV).
And is it not an additional sign that we are living in a time just before the return of Jesus Christ? Let us be vigilant and caring and love one another, as we prepare our own hearts to meet our Savior face-to-face.
Columbia Union President’s Council Votes These Actions:
To hold a prayer vigil Wednesday, June 3, at 8 p.m., via Facebook Live on our Visitor Facebook page. Please join us for a time of prayer and conversation.
To hold a special unionwide Day of Prayer on Sabbath, June 6, for our nation, those who have lost loved ones, the families of George Floyd and so many others, and the disruption and despair many people are experiencing. Please join us.
To set up a task force to recommend ways our church family can facilitate dialogue, create understanding and address the systemic issues of racism in our church and communities. Share your ideas at
To urge our pastors and members to reach out to neighbors and community leaders to create relationships and engage in dialogue that builds bridges and promotes peace.
Members of the Columbia Union Conference President’s Council: Dave Weigley, President and Chair; Rob Vandeman, Executive Secretary; Emmanuel Asiedu, Treasurer; Henry J. Fordham III, Allegheny East Conference; William T. Cox Sr., Allegheny West Conference; Rick Remmers, Chesapeake Conference; Mike Hewitt, Mountain View Conference; Jorge Aguero, New Jersey Conference; Bob Cundiff, Ohio Conference; Gary Gibbs, Pennsylvania Conference; Bill Miller, Potomac Conference; Weymouth Spence, Washington Adventist University; Celeste Ryan Blyden, VP/Communication; Frank Bondurant, VP/Ministries Development; Walter Carson, VP/General Counsel; Ruben Ramos, VP/Multilingual Ministries; and Donovan Ross, VP/Education