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Blue Mountain Academy Statement on Racial Injustice

The Blue Mountain Academy family is heartbroken by the senseless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others. Our hearts grieve for the pain that this has caused the families and all who are impacted and feel hopeless or afraid because of racial discrimination. As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we stand with all who properly stand to condemn these actions, and say this has to stop.

We apologize for the times in our history when BMA have fallen short of standing for the cause of justice, for the times we have remained silent and should have spoken up, and for the times when students of other races were insulted or hurt because of prejudice or ignorance on the part of fellow students, faculty or staff.

We commit ourselves to listening, learning and growing, to ensure that all students are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race, language, nationality, or status. We will not tolerate marginalization, degradation, bullying, or any forms of humor that denigrate a child of God.

At Blue Mountain Academy, we enjoy a diverse student body and leadership team, representing more than nine countries, and we are richer for and blessed by each member of our school family. One of our five core values is "respecting and caring for each other in a safe, nurturing community," and we strive to uphold it in our interactions with one another.

We invite the Blue Mountain Academy family to join with us and pray for healing, forgiveness, change, and peace.

If you have questions or concerns about issues that arise, please share them with Principal Burney Culpepper via email,