Cell Phones and Personal Media Devices
Parents send their children to BMA because we provide a positive environment for spiritual, mental, and physical development. Times have dramatically changed over the past couple of years and smartphones have become a serious distraction to the very values that you want to see developed in your child. While there are many positive aspects of smartphones, there are an increasing number of studies that show the dangers smartphone use and social media cause teenagers.
This has led us to do considerable research and find a phone that provides the ability for students to stay in touch with their parents while also blocking unhealthy behaviors and harmful content associated with smartphones. I want to introduce you to the Gabb phone. You can learn more about it at www.gabb.com. The Gabb phone provides all the convenience of a smartphone without the risks and dangers.
Gabb phones are the only type of phone allowed for students on campus and school-sponsored trips. If a student has another phone, it must be turned in to the deans upon arrival on campus. It may be used if the student is traveling home on private transportation.
Our research has also revealed that other schools have either made similar changes to their policies or are in the process. Those who have implemented this policy testify that this strengthens the student’s academic experience and helps to increase the impact of the school’s spiritual life-which is what we believe is the desire of every parent who sends their child to BMA.
Much thought and prayer has been poured into this decision, and we are working on solutions for some of the concerns you might have. For example, domestic students will be able to use the landlines in the dorms or their Gabb phones. School-issued computers will be able to use Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or other meeting platforms to communicate with parents both domestically and internationally. Besides laptop computers, restricted cell phones with WhatsApp installed will be available for our international students to communicate with their families. Your support of your child through frequent communication is important to them and their success at school.
I encourage you to read the reports and articles and watch the videos linked below. Even the secular world has awakened to the negative impact that smartphones are having on our children.
We believe that Jesus is coming soon, and we are dedicated to doing everything possible to prepare our students to stand faithfully until that time. Please continue to pray for BMA that we can be an eternal blessing to your child.
Surgeon General Advisory
Article about a boarding school that banned smartphones
Article series from the National Library of Medicine (all peer-reviewed)
Report from the 2nd largest school district in the United States banning cell phones
Ted talk: Dr. Justin Romano
Ted talk: Dino Ambrosi
Article with links to other articles about screen-free learning
Article exploring the effect of social media and relationships